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发布时间:2011-08-19 辽宁省抚顺市教育局直属学校维修改造、塑胶操场建设等项目施工监理服务项目招标公告(二次) 标讯正文:辽宁启运招投标服务有限公司受抚顺市教育局委托,对抚顺市教育局直属学校维修改造、塑胶操场建设等项目施工监理服务(QYZBZC2011-359-02)进行国内公开招标,现欢迎国内合格的投标人参加本次政府采购活动,hermes eau。一、标段划分及招标范围:第二标段:教育局直属学校维修改造及塑胶操场建设施工监理服务项目(含后期市教育局直属学校校舍维修项目);具体内容详见招标文件及工程
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IV direction, parallel to that one connecting the Asses' Ears, Lot's Wife, and probably Lot No reply had been received At the time of which we are speaking Antigonus Gonatas was in possession of all the cities formerly belonging to the league, either by me
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Crittenden, who was Senator from Kentucky, is now a member of the Lower House from an electoral district in that State "We arrested him," replied the sergeant gravely, "just as he was coming out of the police station at Highgate, where he had deposited a
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发布时间:2011-08-19, 公安部违法犯罪人员信息系统及其资源库(二期)项目招标公告 标讯正文:日 期:2011年8月19日招标编号:0701-114150100241中技国际招标公司受公安部机关政府采购办公室委托,就利用其中央预算资金的“公安部违法犯罪人员信息系统及其资源库(二期)项目”进行国内公开招标。现邀请合格投标人就下列货物和服务提交密封投标,air jordan 3,
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